QUOTE of the DAY

Even if you do things the right way, some would still be unsatisfied. Some will not appreciate what you say and what you do, and there would always be people who would let you down too. But, for as long as you speak honestly from the heart, you’ll be fine. This is not a perfect world. This is not a perfect life. Life is almost always unfair. But life loves the person who dares to live it.


F U N with N U M E R O L O G Y

Are you familiar with numerology? It is an ancient art that originated among the Jews in Biblical times also practiced in ancient Greece. Nowadays, people still practice it as a pastime while some use it to earn money. When used in fortune telling, numerology assigns a meaning to each number between 1 and 9.

1 – dominance and leadership

2 – gentleness, kindness and lack of ambition

3 – intelligence, creativity and wit

4 – fairness, organization, dependability and attention to detail

5 – brilliance, cleverness and impatience

6 – happiness, tranquility, balance, loyalty, sincerity and conscientiousness

7 – loneliness, the philosophers and the mystics

8 – worldly success and egocentricity

9 – intellectual and spiritual achievement

Today, numerology practitioners use the Hebrew system in which each letter is assigned to a number between 1 and 8 (refer to the illustration).

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8

A    B    C   D    E    U    O   F

I     K    G   M    H   V    Z    P

Q    R    L   T    N   W

J           S               X


To find a number associated with a word, the numbers corresponding to the letters are added together. Every time the resulting number is 9, the two digits are added together. For instance, if the total is 17, 1 and 7 are then added together to give 8.

Numerologists typically apply the system to full names. It is said that the result reveals the true nature of the personality and the characteristics that influence decisions taken throughout life. If applied to nicknames, the result would show what other people think of the individual. If a married woman compares the numbers of her maiden and married name, she can supposedly discover how married life has changed her. Lastly, if you take the sum of the numbers corresponding to consonants, you will get what is called the personality number which indicates the impression made on to others. On the other hand, the sum of the numbers corresponding to vowels, the heart number, measures inner character.

Numerologists believe that practitioners should apply their personal number in every aspect of life. If your number is 7, then you should make decisions and schedule important tasks on dates adding to seven, like 25 or 16. Numerology can be applied to dates. For instance, the present year 2008, which totals 1 for dominance and leadership.

Numerology has no scientific basis. It can be good and fun but don’t take it seriously.